Alexander Rahe

Advisor: Mike Eads

Mentor: Dave Dykstra

Undergraduate: Illinois State University (Physics)

Graduate: Northern Illinois University (Physics)

Project: DUNE Web-Caching

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) provides a large number of computational challenges including the storage of distribution of large amounts of data. Information on operating conditions and calibration will be stored in a database. The distribution of this data across the globe is necessary for reconstruction and simulation of DUNE data. So as not to overload the database with requests, a caching scheme will be required. This project will first establish a web-caching server for DUNE data. The server will then be stress tested to determine the efficacy of the cache. Finally, the ultimate goals of this project are for this cache to be used for protoDUNE data happening throughout 2024 and to provide a framework for a DUNE cache in the future.